Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 1

After reading Chapter 1 in the text, discuss at least three (3) of the issues shaping the role of technology in education. Discuss at least three (3) of the things we have learned from the history of educational technology that can help us shape today's uses. 

If educators are going to attempt to integrate technology into the curriculum, we must be aware and ready to face some of the big issues that shape the role of technology in education. One issue that has affected us recently and greatly is the conditions of the economy. Due to the economic decline, there is less money available for education, which leads to a decrease in funding for technology that could be used in education. Personally, this was the first year the county that I am employed for could not afford to give the employees any money to purchase supplies for our classrooms. If the county cannot even afford to provide money for inexpensive classroom materials, how can they provide funds for expensive tools and programs needed for technology? Hopefully improvement will come for the sake of technology and education. A second issue shaping technology is the impact technology has had on distant learning. Since I am taking this course via internet, I am a prime example of how distance learning has impacted my life. Through the use of technology, I am able to receive a high-quality education from the convenience of my own home. This issue will change the way people receive an education greatly. However, not everyone in society has the convenience of distance education, which brings me to the third issue. Some people in society are not financially able, due to their socioeconomic status, to experience distance education through technology. People such as this may not have easy access to technology because of low income. A situation such as this is referred to as the Digital Divide. Roblyer and Doering (2010) define the Digital Divide as “a discrepancy in access to technology resources among socioeconomic groups” (p. 19). 

Even with all the issues associated with technology and education, we can always look at the past to seek help on how to shape technology for today’s uses. One thing history has taught us is that there is no quick-fix answers when it comes to technology resources. Technology must be strategically planned with other teacher resources and activities for it to have a positive impact on teaching and learning. Along with careful planning of technology, teachers must realize to keep up with the fast advancements made in technology. Just as it takes time to plan lessons using technology, teachers must invest time to learn how to apply the new methods and resources technology has to offer. Not only are new technologies useful, but incorporating the old with the new can be useful too. Teachers may find that the so-called new technologies are actually old ones with different names and slight changes. Just because something new comes along doesn’t mean to discard the old ways. Teachers must be practical when it comes to technology.

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