Sunday, November 14, 2010

Recommendation of 2 Web 2.0 Sites

Choose two of your favorite Web 2.0 sites and review them on your blog. Give reasons for your recommendations.

During this class I have been learning about Web 2.0 sites and have come across several great sites to use in and out of the classroom. One Web 2.0 site that I would have to recommend to others would be to check out A voki is an animated avatar created by the user to use for personal expression. The user can create an avatar to look just like them or create a different identity to be used on blogs, wikis, or other social network profiles. Once the user creates the voki, you can either select a voice for your voki or record your own voice for the voki to speak what you would like for it to say. The process in creating your very own voki is simple and easy for upper grade students, and easily manageable with young students who have teacher assistance. I have seen vokis used in the classroom very creatively. I have seen second grade students create their own vokis to share writing assignments completed in class. It was very entertaining to see how the students designed and used their avatar. I recommend using vokis to motivate students to learn, collaborate with others, and express themselves in the classroom.

A second Web 2.0 site that I would have to recommend would be to check out I actually was introduced to from this very technology course. This Web 2.0 site is very beneficial to everyone, not just to those associated with education. allows you to bookmark, or keep record, of your favorite websites, just as you would on your personal computer. You can also share your bookmarks with others and be able to search others bookmarks that may be of interest to you. When you bookmark a website, you can use keywords (known as tags) to help you categorize what type of website you are saving. The beauty behind is you can access your own account from any computer. For example, I have favorite websites saved on my work computer that are not saved on my home computer. By using, I can have access to all the sites I save, no matter what computer I was using at the time. My husband does not work in the field of education, but has to use the internet frequently at his job. When I shared this Web 2.0 site with him, he quickly applied it to his job and with his co-workers. Now they are able to share and access each others bookmarks easily, without leaving the computer screen. In education, I think teachers should consider using amongst each other so they can share educational resources in the classroom.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Examples of Multimedia

Select 2 examples of multimedia from Chapter 6 and discuss how you would incorporate them in your classroom.

One example of a type of multimedia to use in the classroom would be to use presentation software, such as powerpoint, during a vocabulary lesson. I would introduce new vocabulary words by using the slides to display the word, the word’s definition, and a photo, picture, clipart, and/or animation picture as an example of the word. Being able to use a visual example, such as a picture, to explain the word will help students make a connection with the word and real-life.

Another example of a type of multimedia to use in the classroom would be to create a classroom blog for students and parents. Since I teach first grade, I would be in control over entering items onto the blog. I could keep parents updated with daily events. I could scan samples of students' work and upload photos of classroom activities to display for parents and the students. I could even take another multimedia tool (a flip video) and record students performing a reader’s theater to share on the blog. I think a classroom blog would give students a great feeling of pride knowing their work would be seen online for others to view, causing them to work even harder to do their best!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Examples of Different Types of Software

Give examples of the different types of software (drill and practice, tutorial, simulation, instructional games, problem solving, and integrated learning systems) that you could use in your classroom. Be specific and mention actual software or websites and describe how you would use them in the classroom. 

For drill and practice, I would use ( in the classroom. is a web tool that makes math practice fun. It provides individualized learning to strengthen student’s math skills. What I love about is that it gives specific explanations for incorrect answers and questions increase in difficulty as students improve. Once a week, I have a computer lab slot where I would let the children work on to practice math skills. 

Pete’s Powerpoint Station is an example of tutorials. This website has a variety of powerpoints arranged by subject/topics for students to learn from and practice skills. The only problem I have with this site is that you have to spend a lot of time searching age appropriate material since it is not specified under each option. I have used the plant tab when teaching about plants. There is a tab on “How Plants Grow” where you can select a powerpoint on the life cycle of a plant. The children read the slides and learn about the life cycle of a plant. Toward the end of the powerpoint are slides to use for practice or assessment. What I do is go back to the website and select the link titled “Watch Plants Grow” under the Kids section, which takes the kids to a website that allows them to apply what they have learn by labeling a plant, growing a plant, and taking a online quiz.

An example of a simulation is the website Here you will find a simulation game to teach students how to manage money when running a lemonade stand. Students will have to consider pricing, quality control, inventory control, purchasing supplies, and weather conditions. Students receive feedback from each day’s results and from animated customers, which helps the students to manage money and make logical decisions on how to run a business. At the end of 30 days, the students can see which person and/or group made the most. I would place students in cooperative groups to work on this assignment for social studies.

An example of an instructional game is iBoard (, which is free activities for early childhood classrooms that can be used on an interactive white board or desktop computer. The website has an abundant number of activities divided by subjects, but I have only used the numeracy tab at the moment. The way I use this resource in the classroom is after introducing a math concept, I find the appropriate game that corresponds with the lesson and have students practice the skill on the interactive white board during math stations.

Essential Skills is computer software I would use for problem solving skills. The supplemental software helps accelerate learning and builds academic self-confidence based on student’s ability levels. The software provides practice in literacy and math skills. I would use the math section in my classroom, which has a problem solving tab containing activities in Numeration, Geometry, Measurement, Data Management and Probability, and Patterning and Algebra. Some of the problems given under the problem solving tab are great practice for preparation for the ARMT exam, where students have to give written explanations on how to solve a problem.

Pearson Education offers the software Waterford Early Learning as an integrated learning system.  The software offers supplement materials for classroom and home use for PreK through second grade students.  The program is set to meet the needs of students learning in reading, math, and science. Each student works on his/her individual performance level, whether you are a student who struggles or a student who excels. The program is research-based, child-friendly, and easy for teachers to implement into the classroom. The way I would use the software in the classroom is by having the students take the assessment given at the start of the program to determine each individual’s level of performance. I would allow the students to use the program during literacy stations, math stations, and science centers during the week to keep them engaged and progressing at their on pace on the skills they need work in.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chapter 1

After reading Chapter 1 in the text, discuss at least three (3) of the issues shaping the role of technology in education. Discuss at least three (3) of the things we have learned from the history of educational technology that can help us shape today's uses. 

If educators are going to attempt to integrate technology into the curriculum, we must be aware and ready to face some of the big issues that shape the role of technology in education. One issue that has affected us recently and greatly is the conditions of the economy. Due to the economic decline, there is less money available for education, which leads to a decrease in funding for technology that could be used in education. Personally, this was the first year the county that I am employed for could not afford to give the employees any money to purchase supplies for our classrooms. If the county cannot even afford to provide money for inexpensive classroom materials, how can they provide funds for expensive tools and programs needed for technology? Hopefully improvement will come for the sake of technology and education. A second issue shaping technology is the impact technology has had on distant learning. Since I am taking this course via internet, I am a prime example of how distance learning has impacted my life. Through the use of technology, I am able to receive a high-quality education from the convenience of my own home. This issue will change the way people receive an education greatly. However, not everyone in society has the convenience of distance education, which brings me to the third issue. Some people in society are not financially able, due to their socioeconomic status, to experience distance education through technology. People such as this may not have easy access to technology because of low income. A situation such as this is referred to as the Digital Divide. Roblyer and Doering (2010) define the Digital Divide as “a discrepancy in access to technology resources among socioeconomic groups” (p. 19). 

Even with all the issues associated with technology and education, we can always look at the past to seek help on how to shape technology for today’s uses. One thing history has taught us is that there is no quick-fix answers when it comes to technology resources. Technology must be strategically planned with other teacher resources and activities for it to have a positive impact on teaching and learning. Along with careful planning of technology, teachers must realize to keep up with the fast advancements made in technology. Just as it takes time to plan lessons using technology, teachers must invest time to learn how to apply the new methods and resources technology has to offer. Not only are new technologies useful, but incorporating the old with the new can be useful too. Teachers may find that the so-called new technologies are actually old ones with different names and slight changes. Just because something new comes along doesn’t mean to discard the old ways. Teachers must be practical when it comes to technology.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Hello fellow ED 505 classmates! My name is Valerie Armbrester. I live in Munford, Alabama, which is a quaint little town located at the foothills of Cheaha Mountain. During this time of the year, the surrounding woods and forests are absolutely gorgeous with the leaves changing color. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Jason, for over 3 years. We are at the end of completing the construction of our new home and hopefully will be finished by November/December.

I am a first grade teacher at Munford Elementary School. I have been teaching now for over 7 years. My teaching experience includes 1/2 year in kindergarten, 3 years in second grade, 1 year in third grade, and 3 years in first grade. First grade has always been the grade I most desired to teach and now that I am in this grade, I couldn't be happier!

I began taking online courses with West Alabama back in January 2009 to obtain a Master's degree in Early Childhood Education. I now have 2 more classes to take, plus this one, and my comprehensive exam to be completely finished. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! One goal for obtaining a master's degree is to gain further knowledge in my area of concentration. I absolutely love working with the early childhood age because I feel if you can reach children early on in life and make an impact, you could really have a positive affect on their lives, both academically and socially. A second goal for obtaining a master's degree is to be a more highly qualified teacher. Since we live in the 21st century, so much has changed and  has improved since I received my Bachelor's degree that it would be shameful of me to not better myself and improve in my area of work.

Just in the past few years, I have come in contact with some very impressive forms of technology. I will say that this is, however, my first blog and I was a bit nervous starting one because of being unfamiliar with it. I hope through practice and learning that I will master the concept (not to mention that I hope I am doing this right!). My favorite technology would have to be an Interactive Smart Board that I use every day teaching. The Smart Board has absolutely changed the way I teach in just the past 2 years. I now teach my entire reading series using the Smart Board and hopefully by the end of this year, will have my entire math series created on slides for the next year. The children love getting to use the Smart Board during lessons and during stations. Instead of me trying to place each child in front of a computer to introduce or teach something, I now can have them all sitting in front of one gigantic screen seeing everything at one time. The Smart Board allows me to go beyond the 4 walls of my classroom to teach, giving me access to valuable pieces of information that could only be accessed with technology.

I am looking forward to learning a lot of new and innovative ways to use technology in the classroom. I am also a bit anxious in learning something new, so I hope with the help of everyone that we can all learn from this experience together.  Best Wishes to everyone and Good Luck!